Mathematics - General News

Maths: Smart learning software helps children during lockdowns -- and beyond

 Mathematics - General News
 27 February 2024
Intelligent tutoring systems for math problems helped pupils remain or even increase their performance during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new study. Researchers analyzed data from five million exercises done by around 2,700 pupils in Germany over a period of five years. The study found...

What math tells us about social dilemmas

 Mathematics - General News
 27 February 2024
Human coexistence depends on cooperation. Individuals have different motivations and reasons to collaborate, resulting in social dilemmas, such as the well-known prisoner's dilemma. Scientists now present a new mathematical principle that helps to understand the cooperation of individuals with...

Contagious maths

 Mathematics - General News
 12 February 2024
How does maths help in tackling infectious diseases? Join Julia Gog to find out in this series of videos and articles, and have a go at modelling diseases yourself! ...

New method flips the script on topological physics

 Mathematics - General News
 25 January 2024
The branch of mathematics known as topology has become a cornerstone of modern physics thanks to the remarkable -- and above all reliable -- properties it can impart to a material or system. Unfortunately, identifying topological systems, or even designing new ones, is generally a tedious process...

A new mathematical language for biological networks

 Mathematics - General News
 08 January 2024
Researchers are presenting a novel concept for the mathematical modeling of genetic interactions in biological systems. The team has successfully identified master regulators within the context of an entire genetic network. The research results provide a coherent theoretical framework for analyzing...
