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Art analysis: 2D multifractal tools examine Jackson Pollock's expressionism

 Mathematics - Research News
 16 January 2025
The temperature changes hour to hour and day to day; exchange rates behave no differently. Wherever studies of the variability of similar one-dimensional time series are concerned, analyses based on multifractals have managed to gain recognition. Now, these tools have been developed and successfully...

New process creates ordered semiconductor material at room temperature

 Nanotechnology News
 16 January 2025
Scientists at the University of Twente have developed a way to create highly ordered semiconductor material at room temperature. This UT research was published today in Nature Synthesis. This breakthrough could make optoelectronics more efficient by controlling the crystal structure and reducing the...

Simplicity and scalability: A new economical way to create compact lenses

 Physics General News
 16 January 2025
Paper-thin optical lenses simple enough to mass produce like microchips could enable a new generation of compact optical devices. A team with researchers at the University of Tokyo and JSR Corp. fabricated and tested flat lenses called Fresnel zone plates (FZPs), but did so for the first time using...

Fruit fly development offers insights into condensed matter physics

 Physics General News
 16 January 2025
During the last century, biologists have extensively studied Drosophila melanogaster, the common household fruit fly. It's become one of the most popular model organisms, but not because scientists have been determined to rid kitchen fruit bowls of these summertime nuisances. It's because their...