Quantum Physics News

Researchers achieve near-unity quantum efficiency in 2D photon emitters

 Quantum Physics News
 17 December 2024
Leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics, quantum computers can perform calculations at lightning-fast speeds, enabling them to solve complex problems faster than conventional computers. In quantum technology applications such as quantum computing, light plays a central role in encoding and...

How do you make a kilogram? Gravity can provide new answers

 Quantum Physics News
 16 December 2024
Claus Lämmerzahl, Professor of Gravitational Physics at the University of Bremen, and Dr. Sebastian Ulbricht, scientist at the Natural Metrology Institute, have proposed in a new article that gravity could be the basis for the quantum-physical realization of quantities....

Scientists control quantum states in new energy range

 Quantum Physics News
 12 December 2024
An international team of scientists led by Dr. Lukas Bruder, junior research group leader at the Institute of Physics, University of Freiburg, has succeeded in producing and directly controlling hybrid electron-photon quantum states in helium atoms....
