Witt–Burnside functor attached to $\boldsymbol{Z}_{p}^{2}$ and $p$-adic Lipschitz continuous functions

 02 June 2020
 Mathematics - Research News

Lance Edward Miller, Benjamin Steinhurst. Source: Journal of Commutative Algebra, Volume 12, Number 2, 263--291.Abstract:
Dress and Siebeneicher gave a significant generalization of the construction of Witt vectors, by producing for any profinite group [math] , a ring-valued functor [math] . This paper gives the first concrete interpretation of any Witt–Burnside rings outside the procyclic cases in terms of known rings. In particular, the rings [math] , where [math] is a field of characteristic [math] have a quotient realized as rings of Lipschitz continuous functions on the [math] -adic upper half plane [math] . As a consequence we show that the Krull dimensions of the rings [math] are infinite for [math] and we show the Teichmüller representatives form an analogue of the van der Put basis for continuous functions on [math] .