Ohshita. Source: Journal of Commutative Algebra, Forthcoming articles, --....
Tohaneanu. Source: Journal of Commutative Algebra, Forthcoming articles, --....
Tavanfar. Source: Journal of Commutative Algebra, Forthcoming articles, --....
Prihoda. Source: Journal of Commutative Algebra, Forthcoming articles, --....
Mafi, Naderi. Source: Journal of Commutative Algebra, Forthcoming articles, --....
Lindo. Source: Journal of Commutative Algebra, Forthcoming articles, --....
Bin Ge, Li-Yan Wang. Source: Advances in Differential Equations, Volume 25, Number 3/4, 191--212.Abstract: We are concerned with the following $p(x)$-Laplacian equations in $\mathbb{R}^N$ $$ -\triangle_{p(x)} u+V(x)|u|^{p(x)-2}u= f(x,u)\ \ {\rm in }\; \mathbb{R}^N. $$ Based on a direct sum...
Rui Yang, Yong-Hoon Lee. Source: Advances in Differential Equations, Volume 25, Number 3/4, 161--190.Abstract: In this paper, we study the existence of positive radial solutions for a prescribed mean curvature problem on an exterior domain. Based on $C^1$-regularity of solutions, which is closely...
Xinfu Li, Shiwang Ma, Guang Zhang. Source: Advances in Differential Equations, Volume 25, Number 3/4, 135--160.Abstract: In this paper, the upper critical fractional Choquard equation is considered. The interest in studying such equation comes from its strong connections with mathematical physics,...
Daomin Cao, Jinchun He, Haoyuan Xu, Meihua Yang. Source: Advances in Differential Equations, Volume 25, Number 3/4, 105--134.Abstract: In this paper, we prove the existence of the positive ground state solution to fractional spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensation(BEC) in one dimension. ...