About a variation of local cohomology

 05 September 2020
 Mathematics - Research News

M. Azeem Khadam, Peter Schenzel. Source: Journal of Commutative Algebra, Volume 12, Number 3, 353--370.Abstract:
Let [math] denote an ideal of a local ring [math] . For a system of elements [math] such that [math] , and [math] we investigate a subcomplex and a factor complex of the Čech complex [math] for a finitely generated [math] -module [math] . We start with the inspection of these cohomology modules that approximate in a certain sense the local cohomology modules [math] for all [math] . In the case of an [math] -primary ideal [math] we prove the Artinianness of these cohomology modules and characterize the last nonvanishing among them.