Mathematics - Research News

Graded Betti numbers of powers of ideals

 Mathematics - Research News
 02 June 2020
Amir Bagheri, Kamran Lamei. Source: Journal of Commutative Algebra, Volume 12, Number 2, 153--169.Abstract: Using the concept of vector partition functions, we investigate the asymptotic behavior of graded Betti numbers of powers of homogeneous ideals in a polynomial ring over a field. Our main...

Quaternion rational surfaces

 Mathematics - Research News
 02 June 2020
Jerome William Hoffman, Xiaohong Jia, Haohao Wang. Source: Journal of Commutative Algebra, Volume 12, Number 2, 237--261.Abstract: A quaternion rational surface is a rational surface generated by two rational space curves via quaternion multiplication. In general, the structure of the graded...

The resultants of quadratic binomial complete intersections

 Mathematics - Research News
 02 June 2020
Tadahito Harima, Akihito Wachi, Junzo Watanabe. Source: Journal of Commutative Algebra, Volume 12, Number 2, 217--235.Abstract: We compute the resultants for quadratic binomial complete intersections. As an application we show that any quadratic binomial complete intersection can have the set of...

On the ideal generated by all squarefree monomials of a given degree

 Mathematics - Research News
 02 June 2020
Federico Galetto. Source: Journal of Commutative Algebra, Volume 12, Number 2, 199--215.Abstract: An explicit construction is given of a minimal free resolution of the ideal generated by all squarefree monomials of a given degree. The construction relies upon and exhibits the natural action of the...

On finitely stable domains, II

 Mathematics - Research News
 02 June 2020
Stefania Gabelli, Moshe Roitman. Source: Journal of Commutative Algebra, Volume 12, Number 2, 179--198.Abstract: Among other results, we prove the following: A locally Archimedean stable domain satisfies accp. A stable domain R is Archimedean if and only if every nonunit of R ...

Stability of polytropic filtration equation with variable exponents

 Mathematics - Research News
 16 May 2020
Huashui Zhan, Zhaosheng Feng. Source: Advances in Differential Equations, Volume 25, Number 5/6, 255--278.Abstract: We are concerned with the stability of polytropic filtration equation with variable exponents, when the degeneracy occurs on the boundary. The existence and the local integrability...

Initial ideals of Pfaffian ideals

 Mathematics - Research News
 13 May 2020
Colby Long. Source: Journal of Commutative Algebra, Volume 12, Number 1, 91--105.Abstract: We explore the relationship between secant ideals and initial ideals of [math] , the ideal of the Grassmannian, [math] . The [math] -secant of [math] is the ideal generated by the [math] subpfaffians of a...
