Mathematics - Research News

On the equivalence of some concepts in the theory of Banach algebras

 Mathematics - Research News
 19 April 2019
Józef Banaś, Leszek Olszowy. Source: Annals of Functional Analysis, Volume 10, Number 2, 277--283.Abstract: Our principal aim in this article is to show the equivalence of two concepts used recently in the theory of Banach algebras. The result we present here solves an open problem raised by...

Refining and reversing the Fenchel inequality in convex analysis

 Mathematics - Research News
 19 April 2019
Mustapha Raïssouli. Source: Annals of Functional Analysis, Volume 10, Number 2, 252--261.Abstract: Our main goal in this article is to give some functional inequalities involving a (convex) functional and its Fenchel conjugate. As a consequence, we obtain some refinements of the so-called Fenchel...

The structure of 2-local Lie derivations on von Neumann algebras

 Mathematics - Research News
 19 April 2019
Bing Yang, Xiaochun Fang. Source: Annals of Functional Analysis, Volume 10, Number 2, 242--251.Abstract: In this article we characterize the form of each 2-local Lie derivation on a von Neumann algebra without central summands of type ${I_{1}}$ . We deduce that every 2-local Lie derivation...

On Weyl completions of partial operator matrices

 Mathematics - Research News
 19 April 2019
Xiufeng Wu, Junjie Huang, Alatancang Chen. Source: Annals of Functional Analysis, Volume 10, Number 2, 229--241.Abstract: Let $\mathcal{H}$ and $\mathcal{K}$ be complex separable Hilbert spaces. Given the operators $A\in \mathcal{B}(\mathcal{H})$ and $B\in\mathcal{B}(\mathcal{K},\mathcal{H})$ , we...

A note on peripherally multiplicative maps on Banach algebras

 Mathematics - Research News
 19 April 2019
Francois Schulz. Source: Annals of Functional Analysis, Volume 10, Number 2, 218--228.Abstract: Let $A$ and $B$ be complex Banach algebras, and let $\phi,\phi_{1}$ , and $\phi_{2}$ be surjective maps from $A$ onto $B$ . Denote by $\partial\sigma(x)$ the boundary of the spectrum of $x$ . If $A$ is...

On graph algebras from interval maps

 Mathematics - Research News
 19 April 2019
C. Correia Ramos, Nuno Martins, Paulo R. Pinto. Source: Annals of Functional Analysis, Volume 10, Number 2, 203--217.Abstract: We produce and study a family of representations of relative graph algebras on Hilbert spaces that arise from the orbits of points of $1$ -dimensional dynamical systems,...

Orthogonal complementing in Hilbert $C^{*}$ -modules

 Mathematics - Research News
 19 April 2019
Boris Guljaš. Source: Annals of Functional Analysis, Volume 10, Number 2, 196--202.Abstract: We characterize orthogonally complemented submodules in Hilbert $C^{*}$ -modules by their orthogonal closures. Applying Magajna’s characterization of Hilbert $C^{*}$ -modules over $C^{*}$ -algebras of...

G-frames and their generalized multipliers in Hilbert spaces

 Mathematics - Research News
 19 April 2019
Hessam Hosseinnezhad, Gholamreza Abbaspour Tabadkan, Asghar Rahimi. Source: Annals of Functional Analysis, Volume 10, Number 2, 180--195.Abstract: In this article, we introduce the concept of generalized multipliers for g-frames. In fact, we show that every generalized multiplier for g-Bessel...
