Mathematics - Research News

On the modified scattering of $3$-d Hartree type fractional Schrödinger equations with Coulomb potential for any given initial and boundary data.

 Mathematics - Research News
 13 June 2018
Yonggeun Cho, Gyeongha Hwang, Changhun Yang. Source: Advances in Differential Equations, Volume 23, Number 9/10, 649--692.Abstract: In this paper, we study 3-d Hartree type fractional Schrödinger equations: $$ i\partial_{t}u-\vert\nabla\vert^{\alpha}u = \lambda \left ( |x|^{-\gamma} *\vert...

The Japanese Theorem for Nonconvex Polygons

 Mathematics - Research News
 08 September 2017
Abstract. The so-called "Japanese theorem" dates back over 200 years; in its original form it states that given a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle, the sum of the inradii of the two triangles formed by the addition of a diagonal does not depend on the choice of diagonal. Later it was shown that...

A Political Redistricting Tool for the Rest of Us

 Mathematics - Research News
 08 September 2017
In the United States, congressional districts are redrawn every ten years based on changes in population revealed by the census. Individual states are responsible for redrawing their congressional districts. Often sophisticated (and expensive) software packages are used to guide redistricting...

Rethinking Pythagoras

 Mathematics - Research News
 08 September 2017
This article explores analogues of the Pythagorean Theorem in non-Euclidean geometries. ...

Generating Patterns Part 2

 Mathematics - Research News
 22 August 2017
Researcher: Michel C. Molinkovitch, University of Geneva Description: Michel C. Milinkovitch used math, physics, and biology for an amazing discovery about the patterns on a lizard's skin....

Generating Patterns Part 1

 Mathematics - Research News
 22 August 2017
Researcher: Michel C. Molinkovitch, University of Geneva Description: Michel C. Milinkovitch used math, physics, and biology for an amazing discovery about the patterns on a lizard's skin....

Hunting for Planets

 Mathematics - Research News
 22 August 2017
Researcher: Konstantin Batygin, Caltech Description: Konstantin Batygin talks about using math to investigate the existence of Planet Nine....
