Nanotechnology News

Scientists develop 'x-ray vision' technique to see inside crystals

 Nanotechnology News
 03 June 2024
A team of researchers has created a new way to visualize crystals by peering inside their structures, akin to having X-ray vision. Their new technique -- which they aptly named 'Crystal Clear' -- combines the use of transparent particles and microscopes with lasers that allow scientists to see each...

Controlling ion transport for a blue energy future

 Nanotechnology News
 30 May 2024
Researchers probed the transit of cations across a nanopore membrane for the generation of osmotic energy. The team controlled the passage of cations across the membrane using a voltage applied to a gate electrode. This control allowed the cation-selective transport to be tuned from essentially zero...

Controlling water, transforming greenhouse gases

 Nanotechnology News
 24 May 2024
Researchers have outlined a way to manipulate water molecules to make CO2R more efficient, with the ultimate goal of creating a clean energy loop. Through their new method, the team was able to perform CO2R with nearly 100% efficiency under mildly acidic conditions, using either gold or zinc as...

Under extreme impacts, metals get stronger when heated, study finds

 Nanotechnology News
 22 May 2024
Scientists have discovered that when metal is struck by an object moving at a super high velocity, the heat makes the metal stronger. The finding could lead to new approaches to designing materials for extreme environments, such as shields that protect spacecraft or equipment for high-speed...

Strings that can vibrate forever (kind of)

 Nanotechnology News
 22 May 2024
Researchers have engineered string-like resonators capable of vibrating longer at ambient temperature than any previously known solid-state object -- approaching what is currently only achievable near absolute zero temperatures. Their study pushes the edge of nanotechnology and machine learning to...

Recycling carbon dioxide into household chemicals

 Nanotechnology News
 22 May 2024
Scientists report a family of tin-based catalysts that efficiently converts CO2 into ethanol, acetic acid and formic acid. These liquid hydrocarbons are among the most produced chemicals in the U.S and are found in many commercial products....
